PINCHme provides completely free samples from leading brands in exchange for customers feedback. Take a look at what's inside their VIP Influencer Box in the video below.

See those samples in the photo above? I got all of those amazing products for FREE. Yes, let that sink in because I also thought it was too good to be true. I can tell you it is LEGIT.
Sign up for your own box here:
PINCHme lets you try products from leading brands for FREE! All they ask is for your feedback on the products. Every month, a range of new FREE samples are released on for members to claim.

*Please note this from PINCHme: We have sent you a VIP influencer box because we have identified you as a key influencer. Regular members may receive a smaller box with different assortment of items (usually with an average of 3-5 samples).
I love this concept! Gets products out there and allows consumers to try stuff without having to commit to full size
I got the RX Nut butter too! Not my favorite ☹